Self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities,
self-respect. Words that can be used to describe self-esteem are; self-respect,
pride, dignity, self-regard and faith in one self.
People often find themselves with self-esteem issues, they
find themselves not being confident in themselves, having no self-respect, no
dignity, no self-regard and they have no faith in themselves.
Some of the causes of low self-esteem are;
1. Systematic punishment, neglect or abuse.
2. Failing to meet parental standards.
3. Failing to meet peer-group standards.
4. Being on the receiving end of other people’s stress or
5. Belonging to a family or social group that other people
are prejudiced towards.
6. An absence of praise, warmth, affection or interest.
7. Being the odd one out at home or at school.
People with low self-esteem are more likely to have negative
feeling. They find it hard to put in lots of effort in what they do. They end
up having relationship troubles with family, friends and even spouses since them
and stop looking after themselves. They hence end up finding comfort zones or
solace in drugs since they can’t live with facts and cannot cope with change.
People can improve their self-esteem by celebrating the
small stuff, being their own best mates and thinking of things they are good
The following are steps to improving our self-esteem.
1. Having positive self-talk
2. Not comparing ourselves to others
3. Doing exercise
4. Not striving to perfection
5. Focusing on the things we can change
6. Doing things that we enjoy
7. Surrounding ourselves with supportive people.
People with high self-esteem become accomplished in life
because they have confidence in themselves and actually know their purpose.
They know what they want in life and they know how to get to it.They are
respected and embraced by the community that is the people around them. It is
really important for us to be self-aware.
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