Thursday, 29 October 2015



On the 27th and 28th of November 2015, the first adolescent health symposium was launched at Hilton Hotel, Nairobi.

 The symposium would address the evolving challenges in adolescent health: reflecting on the post 2015 sustainable development agenda and show case the efforts and contributions of relevant stakeholders to the health and wellbeing of adolescents, and provide a platform for sharing innovations and strategies towards improving adolescent health. The symposium brought together Government of Kenya officials, development partners, learning institutions, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights/HIV experts, public and private practitioners, implementing partners and other relevant organizations.

Adolescents, young people between the ages 10 and 19 years, are often thought of as a healthy group. Nevertheless, many adolescents do die prematurely due to accidents, suicide, violence, pregnancy-related complications and other illnesses that are either preventable or treatable. Many more suffer chronic ill-health and disability. In addition, many serious diseases in adulthood have their roots in adolescence. For example, tobacco use, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, poor eating and exercise habits, lead to illness or premature death later in life.

‘’We invest so much in keeping children alive in their early years of life, let us not lose them in the second phase . We run into this risk by not paying sufficient attention to adolescents. ‘’

Let us prioritize the second decade of life by addressing the challenges that adolescents face because, #EveryAdolescentCounts , this was the hash tag used and the twitter handle @AHS2015Ke for a follow up of this amazing event which we, as youthcaffe were honored to participate in.

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